Support Services for Students in Central Ohio Schools: A Comprehensive Guide

Schools are an integral part of the community, providing a safe and secure environment for students to access mental health services and other support. In Central Ohio, there are a variety of student support services available to help students reach their academic and personal goals.

Mental Health and Wellness Initiatives

Mental health and wellness are essential for students to be successful in school. Mental health encompasses both the absence of illness and the presence of high levels of well-being.

Wellness includes having positive emotions, feeling fulfilled, contributing to the community, and being able to cope with the stressors of daily life. Schools are an ideal place for students to receive mental health services, as they are a safe and accessible space.

STEM Programs

Students interested in pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics can enroll in the Columbus State SSS-STEM program. This program provides the same level of academic training, mentoring, and counseling opportunities as students in the SSS program, with a focus on STEM-related fields.

Student ServicesStudent services are an ongoing set of services and supports designed for children with special needs. These services are designed to improve financial and economic knowledge, help students apply for admission to graduate and professional programs, and assist students enrolled in two-year institutions apply for admission and obtain financial assistance to enroll in four-year programs.

Ohio School Wellness Initiative

The Ohio School Wellness Initiative was created through a partnership between the Ohio Department of Education, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, and the University of Miami School Mental Health Programs Center. This initiative provides prevention, early intervention, and support practices for K-12 students as well as developing staff wellness strategies in Ohio schools.

Future Forward OhioFuture Forward Ohio prioritizes students by investing resources to help districts meet the mental health needs of their students and overcome obstacles to learning. Through a scholarship competition, funds are awarded to higher education institutions to provide opportunities for academic development, help students meet basic university requirements, and motivate them to successfully complete their post-secondary education. Central Ohio schools offer a wide range of student support services that can help students reach their academic and personal goals. Mental health initiatives, STEM programs, student services, the Ohio School Wellness Initiative, and Future Forward Ohio are just some of the resources available to Central Ohio students.

With these resources at their disposal, students can take advantage of all that Central Ohio has to offer.